วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Google Earth 4.2 with Sky

Forget about going to a planetarium, Google Earth has expanded its view and is starting to focus on the stars.

Sky in Google Earth has launched. This new addition to Earth enables viewers to check out different areas in the universe, from distant galaxies light years away, to constellations and planets. You must Download the new version of Google Earth to get the features, then you’re on your way to checking out planets in motions and supernova explosions.

This data was partly built with Google’s NASA partnership and through the Hubble Space Telescope Observations.

With Earth’s new Sky feature, you can:

Image Zoom in to distant galaxies and nebulae

Image View constellations and the movements of the planets

Image Learn about the lifecycle of a star and different kinds of galaxies

Image Create and share your own imagery, placemarks and more

Download here:

